Ahad, 3 November 2019



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Title: The Effect of Indoor Air Pollution on Kenanga College Student Health


The indoor air quality influences human body’s comfort and health seriously, and polluted indoor air will not only affect human’s health, but also decrease people’s work efficiency, therefore, the causes, effects and solutions is the focus on this research.   This paper introduces the current main pollutant and their hazard of indoor air in Kenanga College as examples, and studies their indoor air pollution condition and reason by detecting and analyzing their pollutant contents. At the same time, some effective measures of precaution and control on indoor air pollution in Kenanga College are recommendation in the end of this paper.

1.0       Introduction

1.1       Background of the study

Air pollution is the introduction of particulates, biological molecules, or other harmful materials into Earth's atmosphere, causing disease, death to humans, damage to other living organisms such as food crops, or the natural or built environment. Air pollution may come from anthropogenic or natural sources. Indoor air pollution and urban air quality are listed as two of the world's worst toxic pollution problems. It is a substance in the air that can have adverse effects on humans and the ecosystem. The substance can be solid particles, liquid droplets, or gases. (source=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_pollution)

‘Indoor air’ is air within a building such as your home, classroom, office, shopping center, hospital or gym. ‘Indoor Air Pollution’ occurs if indoor air is contaminated by smoke, chemicals, smells or particles. Unlike outdoor air pollution, the effect of indoor air pollution is health related and less of an environmental issue. In colder regions, building and heating methods make use of airtight spaces, less ventilation and energy efficient heating. Sometimes synthetic building materials, smells from household care and furnishing chemicals can all be trapped indoors. As less fresh air gets indoors, the concentration of pollutants such as pollen, tobacco smoke, mold, pesticides, radon, asbestos and carbon monoxide trapped inside the building increases and people breathe that in. (source=http://eschooltoday.com/pollution/air-pollution/what-is-indoor-air-pollution.html)

Air pollution is caused by various factors. For many years the researcher have discussed the cause of the air pollution affecting life like health problem and emotional disturb. (Source = http://biosun01.biostat.jhsph.edu/~fdominic/papers/ISRpaper0920.pdf )

Although air contamination occurs both outdoor and indoor, many students think that the air inside the building is not polluted. In fact, students themselves are the source of pollution. The smokers and motorist pollute the air in the building.

1.2       Statement of the problem

It is important to find how indoor air pollution affects Kenanga College students’ health. We need to know who are seriously affected by among student especially the smoking student or others. Other than that, we want to investigate to what extend what are the students of affected, to identify the sources that are exposed to and how to minimize air pollution.

1.3       Purpose of the study

The purpose of the study is to find the effect of indoor air pollution on Kenanga College student health.

1.4       Objective of the study

The objectives for doing the research are :

·         to investigate the effected indoor air pollution to Kenanga College student

·         to identify the sources of the indoor air pollution that Kenanga College student are exposes to

·         to find ways to minimize indoor air pollution to health guaranteed

·         to identify the way to achieve optimal health

·         to identify the ways to prevent indoor air pollution on health

1.5       Research question

We use the main question to the respondent for them to answer several questions for data collecting and do the analysis. The example of research questions are:

i.                    How indoor air pollution affect the Kenanga College lives especially their health?

ii.                  Who among them are seriously affected?

iii.                What can be done to minimize or solve the problem?

iv.                What are the main causes of indoor air pollution in Kenanga College building?

1.6       Significance of the study

This research shows that nowadays many people including student died very young, probably due to air pollution. Students will be not able to attend college when they are not feeling well. They are affected when this air pollution is not tolerated. It is important to find how air pollution affects all Kenanga College students especially the student smokers. This is to make sure that the Kenanga College is a smoke free area. We want to Kenanga College to be cigarette smoke free area. Besides smoking related pollution, it is also important to investigate indoor air pollution occurring in the building. This is because polluted environment can cause student very stressful and unhealthy. (Source: http://drclaudiamiller.com/tag/toxicant-induced-loss-of-tolerance/)

Air pollution has serious impact on human health. As for people who are staying in the city, the tendency of them now getting sick is very high. Students are not very healthy and get sick very easily. One of the reason could be are they exposed to air pollution. When this happened, their performance of the study will be affected. (Source:Beelen R, Hoek G, Fischer P, van den Brandt PA, BrunekreefB)

1.7       Scope of the study

We conducted a case study about “Air Pollution on Health” in Kenanga College. We collected data form 37 students in class ULAB2112 Section 37. We used questionnaire method. There are four categories of sample question:

                                i.            Open ended question

                              ii.            Closed ended question

                            iii.            Scale question

                            iv.            Listing choice question

1.8       Methodology

We had carried out the survey using few types of instrument for data collection. Below are the types of methods that we had been used.

1)      Questionnaires

-          Our primary source was from the questionnaires prepared by our group     members. 37 sets of observations questionnaires had been distributed to our selected students.

2)      Library Research

-          We have also used library research to define the terms that are used and to determine the correct format and ways of writing a report.  

3)      Internet research

-          We are taking the information from 3 article for our references

                                                              i.      www.ijhssnet.com/journals/Vol3No13july2013/20.pdf

                                                            ii.      http://eschooltoday.com/pollution/air-pollution/what-is-air-pollution.html

                                                          iii.      http://biosun01.biostat.jhsph.edu/~fdominic/papers/ISRpaper0920.pdf

2.0       Literature Review

2.1       Introduction

We get the oxygen we need by breathing air. It’s such a natural thing that we don’t usually stop to think about what’s in the air we breathe. But besides oxygen and other elements like nitrogen, air also contains pollutants, which can be harmful. Air pollution is a problem that affects life all over the world. We usually think about air pollution as affecting the air outside. But there can be indoor pollution, too. Think about how much time we spend indoors. During all of that time, we are breathing in the air around us.

2.2       Review of Literature

Weiss (2013) examined air pollution levels that are even considered to be, 'everyday,' have the potential to affect a person's behavior and health. Indoor air pollution is a real issue in developed nations where efficient insulation keeps pollutants inside of structures. In nations that are less-developed, the lack of indoor sanitation and running water may encourage respiratory infections. Air pollution also has the potential to harm populations of people in ways that are so slow or subtle they have yet to be detected. Due to this, research is underway to assess the long-term effects of chronic exposure to low levels of air pollutants including what the majority of people experience, how air pollutants interact with each other in a person's body, as well as with physical factors such as stress, nutrition, cigarette smoking, alcohol use, and common medications. Also under investigation is the relation between air pollutants and birth defects, cancer, and genetic mutations.

Nurul Ashikin et al. (2014) examined air pollution can harm human health, the environment, and cause property damage. Various researches have proven the connection of air quality and human health. The epidemiology and laboratory studies demonstrated that ambient air pollutants (for example PM, O3, S02 and NO2) contributed to various respiratory problems including bronchitis, emphysema and asthma. The objective of this paper is to discuss the relationship between the human health and air quality. The conceptual paper is focusing in findings from air quality literature review and significant health effects related to it.

Bull (2003) examined indoor air pollution is ubiquitous, and takes many forms, ranging from smoke emitted from solid fuel combustion, especially in households in developing countries, to complex mixtures of volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds present in modern buildings. This paper reviews sources of, and health risks associated with, various indoor chemical pollutants, from a historical and global perspective. Health effects are presented for individual compounds or pollutant mixtures based on real-world exposure situations. Health risks from indoor air pollution are likely to be greatest in cities in developing countries, especially where risks associated with solid fuel combustion coincide with risk associated with modern buildings. Everyday exposure to multiple chemicals, most of which are present indoors, may contribute to increasing prevalence of asthma, autism, childhood cancer, medically unexplained symptoms, and perhaps other illnesses. Given that tobacco consumption and synthetic chemical usage will not be declining at least in the near future, concerns about indoor air pollution may be expected to remain.

3.0       Findings and Discussion

From the survey, we get data from the students to get information about indoor air pollution in Kenanga College. We were using a questionnaire method to find all the answer for our groups’ research. Total of 37 students were chosen to answer the question. The students can choose more than one answer from certain of the question.

3.1       Causes of Indoor Air Pollution

Figure 1: Causes of Indoor Air Pollution

Figure 1 shows the causes of air pollution. The two major causes of the air pollution are cigarettes smoke and motor vehicles. 18 male students and 14 female students have chosen cigarettes smoke while 15 male students and 8 female students were chosen motor vehicles. The third cause is population growth. The data took from the male and female students are same number which is 6 students choose it. The household cooking and heating and increasing use of air conditioner also shows that the same answer from male and female students. The last causes of air pollution with 2 male and 4 female students choose the waste disposal for their respond.

All the causes can harm the health of students, damage crops or stop them growing properly and make the life unpleasant and unattractive in a variety of other ways. Firstly, the main causes which is from cigarettes smoke and motor vehicles coming from the burning end of cigarettes and from the motorcycle can affect the environment. These causes can make students get unhealthy easily. The potential for harm from any of these pollutants depends partly in student’s sensitivity. The students compromised with immune systems tend to be more susceptible. Some students have chosen the population growth, household cooking and heating and increasing use of air conditioner similarity because they think the causes not give a big impact to their health. The least effect is waste disposal which the area are polluted such as washroom and dustbin area.

According to John A Hoskins (2012) the indoor micro-environment has its own pollutants and pollution levels indoors may be higher than those outdoors. This is particularly so when there are combustion processes associated with cooking heating or smoking coupled with poor ventilation. About half the world’s population have to rely for cooking and associated space heating on simple household stoves using unprocessed solid fuels that have high emission factors, with the consequence that they are exposed to high levels of health-damaging air pollutants. Cooking can produce very high concentrations of particles and biomass fuels emit hundreds of chemicals during small-scale combustion, such as in household cooking or heating stoves. Tobacco smoke may add to other biomass smoke and all these together cause considerable human ill health world-wide. Most indoor air pollutants directly affect the respiratory and cardiovascular systems and the severity of the effect varies according to both the intensity and the duration of exposure, and also the health status of the population exposed. The importance of this is that some members of the population may be at greater risk than others. A number of the chemicals found in the indoor environment are classed as carcinogens although at the levels found the probability that they will cause cancer is extremely low.

3.2       Effects of Indoor Air Pollution

Figure 2: Effects of Indoor Air Pollution

Figure 2 shows the proportion of male and female students in the effects of indoor air pollution. According to the effects of breathlessness/having more difficulty in breathing, spend more money to stay healthy, feel depressed, wanting to move to other less polluted place, asthma incidence and poor visibility. There are differences in the selection of the effect of indoor air pollution by both male and female students of Kenanga Collage. The biggest differences between two genders were in the selection of breathlessness and wanting to move to other less polluted place. In the selection of breathlessness female students, made up to 8 respondents. In the contrary, the figure of male students who selected breathlessness was just 5 respondents. However, the trend was reverse when it comes to the effect of wanting to move to other less polluted place. Here, female students chose wanting to the moves to other less polluted place with 3 respondents, whereas male students put more value on wanting to moves to other less polluted places with 6 respondents. For the others feature, spend more money to stay healthy and asthma incident are similarity with a 5 male and 4 female respondent. The next is feeling depressed and the minor effect of indoor air pollution is poor visibility.

From the data collected, too many students choose breathlessness/having more difficulty in breathing because male students normally use the free time to smoking. Even if you are not a smoker, second-hand smoke can cause many of the same health problems as directly inhaling from cigarettes. This will make others student fell depressed for the smoke their smell. According to Dr. Mercola (2015) men who smoke have a 25 percent increased risk of any fracture and a 40 percent increased risk of hip fracture. Smoking leads to a 79 percent increase in chronic back pain and a 114 percent increase in disabling lower back pain. Smokers are 59 percent more likely to develop Alzheimer's disease. Smoking increases your risk of age-related macular degeneration by 78 percent to 358 percent, and increases your risk of age-related cataracts.

Poor indoor air quality poses several negative consequences to health. Poor ventilation causing excessive humidity and accumulation of gaseous and/or chemical exposure from materials in the living space. Students spend the majority of their time indoors, where they face significant health risks due to repeated exposure to air pollutants in their college. Exposure to these pollutants can lead to numerous immediate and long-term health problems. Common pollutants include irrespirable particles, chemical emissions, mould spores, animal allergens, radon, combustion gases, environmental tobacco smoke and pesticides. Others than that, some students spend more money to stay healthy. They took vitamins and more water for themselves to protect their health.

3.3       Solutions for Indoor Air Pollution

Figure 3: Solution of Indoor Air Pollution

Based on figure 3, the results clearly show that most of the students who took part in the survey preferred not to smoke in building and area of Kenanga College. The figure is 30% compared to 24% students were chosen get more fresh air. The third solution factor is turn off appliances and light when leave the classes. The different between bring the outdoors in and turn off appliances and light is 4%. The least solution of air pollution factors is connecting your outdoor light to a timer or use solar lighting with 10%.

As the figure we get from the survey, a plenty of students don’t like their friends smoke in college. As we concern, the smoke from the smoking students can be harmful to health. This can lead to diseases such as respiratory irritation, emphysema, lung cancer and heart disease. Secondly, students choose to get more fresh air. Because of the location of college which is located in the middle of the city, there are a lot of pollution came from outside. For example from the construction building, chemical waste, smoke vehicles and others which can cause pollution. The highest ranked three through turn off appliances and light when leave the class because students always want to go back earlier, sometime they forgot to switch off the light, air conditioner, and etc. This will make the electricity waste. The last solution of the survey is using a timer or solar lighting to solve the problem but the faculty have think about the cost of using solar and timer. 

According to Pawel Wargocki (2015) solutions required for achieving good indoor air quality in highly energy-efficient buildings and reducing the health risks are evaluation of new advanced ventilation strategies based on health and comfort criteria, identification of the barriers that block innovation in the building process towards the goal of good indoor environmental quality, ways of encouraging the active involvement of building occupants in the creation of healthy and comfortable indoor air quality (affecting occupants’ operational habits and activities), flexibility of building design to account for and respond to variables influencing indoor air quality and comparison of natural ventilation, mechanical ventilation, ventilation on demand any and other ventilation solutions in the context of highly energy-efficient buildings, taking into account the purpose and circumstances of their use. . Development and implementation of harmonised methodology for measurements and health-based evaluation of chemical emissions from building materials and consumer products, and comprehensive performance classes of products including the evaluation of the impact of the labelling of building materials and consumer products in the context of healthy, comfort and highly energy-efficient buildings.

4.0       Conclusion

This research investigated the effects of air pollution on Kenanga College students. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires to 37 students. As mentioned earlier in the introduction, the purpose of this study was to find the effect of air pollution on Kenanga College student health.

The following conclusions can be drawn from the study. To begin with, cigarettes smoke is the biggest causes of air pollution compared to others causes. In addition, motor vehicles is the most popular to do with. The results of this study indicate that air pollution can have a negative impact on humans and the environment. This can affect human health and life to all surrounding.

However, these findings are only for Kenanga College students and cannot be generalized to other college students. The same study needs to be conducted with students from other colleges to see if there are any similarities with the factors that will influence students’ about air pollution.

4.0       Recommendation

Base on the finding and the conclusion of the study, here are the several recommendation to be considered :

1)      Making more “Free Smoke Campaign” and “Awareness Campaign about Environment Care”.

-          College students should bring awareness to address this problem. One of the factors that can be done is through awareness campaigns about environmental care.  Important awareness campaign to remind students about the importance of addressing environmental pollution. Students will be more aware of the impact that would arise if they do not keep the environmental clean such as cigarette smoke, waste disposal, motor vehicles and others.

-          To prevent indoor air pollution, each student has to play a role in keeping awake to health. They can perform activities such as planting trees around the college, exercise; keep the surroundings areas clean and so on. Clean environment areas will maximize contamination and get students healthy life. It is the responsibility of every student to protect the environment, creating a quality ecological environment and sharing wonderful green living together.

2)      Relocated the building to the suitable place

-          Because of the location of the college located in the middle of the city, there are many possible causes of pollution. The college has to figuring out how to build the faculty in a better place where the environment is preserved environment. A healthy environment will provide many benefits to students where students can study in peace and focus on the lessons to be learned.

3)      Reduces the size of class

-          Class condition with many students will cause discomfort to students. Each faculty should limit the total number of students in one class. This is to enable students to feel comfortable and enjoyed lessons in the classroom.

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